I read some good news on a blog by Tonya today and as I was searching her blog looking to find out where they were in the Nepal adoption process, I came across a post of hers which included a video by John Waller with the song "While I'm Waiting". This happens to be my favorite song because it speaks to me as we wait in this adoption process. But this video is special in its dedication. Tina: I thought a lot about you as I listened and watched this.
The good news was, and I am going to quote from her blog rather than put it into my own words:
"The Ministry has decided to delay for a few months accepting new applications for 2010 while they continue the matching process for the dossiers submitted in 2009. They report that they received 534 dossiers (world wide) in 2009. They expect to be able to match approximately 180 children with adoptive families very soon. The Ministry is planning to continue the matching process through March and the number of referrals will be based on the availability of children within the age/gender parameters set by the adoptive parent's application...."
I am still hopeful!