We are Tim and Shelly and we are on our journey to adopt a little boy from China.

Join us as we travel on our journey...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Don't panic!

11:00 AM

There are two blogs of families that are in Nepal that I have listed on the right side bar for you to read. Unfortunately they have decided to make their blogs private. One family has decided to recreate another blog just for all of us waiting on any news. You can follow this at: http://nepaladoptionrumors.blogspot.com/. This blog will still contain the same content we are all looking for, however there will not be pictures of the children.

Another piece of news is another family had received a referral on Friday! We hope this week will be a big week of news, particularly of referrals.

We do not even have a referral and sometimes I go in panic mode about all the news happening so quickly! I have been on the kick of learning from others that have traveled internationally (thanks Julie!) and making a list of everything to look into and purchase or borrow. I think about who is going to watch the cats-when and how? (they are pretty needy cats) Will it be winter and how often should we have someone come over and make sure we don't have broken water pipes? How do we get the best deal on a flight? Should we use a travel agent to take care of our flight stuff? How am I going to handle this flight? How can Tim still do some work while over there and what will he need to do that? How and where do we get money? Making sure I have a list of what to bring-clothes, cameras, medicines and how they have to be labeled. What size clothes will we need to get for our child (won't be known until we get a referral)? What kind of toys and books can I buy to bring with to Nepal? I worry about our long flight home with our child. I could go on and on...

So to ease some of this I have been coupon collecting and checking out websites that help save money. I have been getting some small items for free. I go to dollar stores and pick up an item here and there.

Keep us in your prayers!


yolo said...

I've been asking myself a gazillion questions as well lately...since the matching and traveling has finally started. And my cats, who in the heck is going to care of my very needy cats?! I have been laying awake at night wondering this same thing. But not to worry, it will ALL come together as it should. Hang in there!

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Where are they from?


Our furbaby Romeo, is no longer with us.

Our furbaby Montie