We are Tim and Shelly and we are on our journey to adopt a little boy from China.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Last week was a rough week. I could not wait for the weekend. Then the weekend came. I payed bills and put together a kind of budget to see where and when we would have the rest of the money for the adoption. For some reason I have been paying way too much attention to money and I have been getting stressed about it. I just want to have our next payments ready and in the bank. Once we get a referral we have to have $9700 and the post placement fee of $2400. It doesn't help that our cat Romeo had to go in for emergency services last weekend. I wouldn't have had it any other way but to take Romeo in but gosh, I had no idea how my mood would be affected when I saw our savings account.
We went to church this morning and it is exactly what I needed. The memory verse for this week is Luke 12:31--"He will give you all you need from day to day if you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern."
This has been quite an issue for me for many years as I have let my thoughts be consumed by this adoption. I do know that he will provide. He always has and always will. I need to refocus my attention to reaching people for Christ!

Nepal Tidbits:
Nepal's population is 29.5 million
Kathmandu's population is 1 million
UN Human Development Index: 142 out of 177 countries
Life expectancy: 62 years
Nepalis who live on less than US$2 per day:82%

Last week there was no news coming out of Nepal. Will there be some news this week?


Tina said...

Wow. That memory verse couldn't be more perfect. You do just have trust in God that he will get you through this and provide for you! :) I know, easier said than done!

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Where are they from?


Our furbaby Romeo, is no longer with us.

Our furbaby Montie