We are Tim and Shelly and we are on our journey to adopt a little boy from China.

Join us as we travel on our journey...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We are in Beijing!

3:48 AM

We arrive in Beijing at 4:10pm.  Then we had to go through all the gates and ride the tram to the baggage claim.  We found our hotel driver right away and he brought us to the hotel.  It took over an hour to get from the airport to the hotel!  Traffic is unbelievable, but you know what is more unbelievable?  The driving here!  They know how to do it, but it is so much different than ours.  A little scary at times, but Tim and I just sat back, laughed and tried to soak it all in.

We just got the computer all logged in and secure.  Tim could not sleep on the plane at all.  I think he watched 4-5 movies so he is trying to sleep now.  I, on the otherhand, did mostly sleeping on the plane.  I did not get sick for most of the flights, but when we landed here, oh, my, I could not wait to get off the plane. 

I am sitting here in the hotel room by the window that seems like it is open.  There is still a lot of traffic and it is 7:50pm here.  They honk a lot too.  We will do our best to enjoy our time.  I am not sure what tomorrow will bring.  We wanted to do a tour, but we will see, we may just walk around the shops here and take in downtown for tomorrow--we will see.

Good night from Beijing!



Tina said...

SO excited to hear from you! Sounds like it was an ok trip and you got easily settled in at your hotel! Will look forward to hearing more!

Love, Tina

Jen said...

SO excited to hear all about your time in Beijing... but, I am even more excited to hear about what lies ahead :) Make some wonderful memories!

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Our furbaby Romeo, is no longer with us.

Our furbaby Montie